1. 课程名:合同起草实务指南
Introduction: The Course “Contract Drafting Practice Guide” focuses on how to draft the beginning, middle and end of a contract. Specific topics covered include the role of lawyers in contract drafting, the impact of applicable law on contracts, the components and forms of contracts, the use of defined terms and the drafting of defined provisions, contract headings, word choice, the structure of contract statements, the basic types of contract provisions, drafting core provisions of contracts, and drafting other provisions. For each section, Professor Cramer will not only give detailed drafting guidelines, but will also point out common mistakes in the choice of vocabulary, the construction of statements, and the clarity, accuracy, and conciseness of expressions, and will guide students in using their knowledge to revise them.
授课教师:Peter Klaus Cramer
个人简介:Peter Klaus Cramer教授是美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学法学院前副院长,同时是欧洲法律英语教师协会、法律写作研究所、全国外国学生顾问协会等机构的专业会员。其曾在美国韦伯斯特大学、日本青山学院法律学院、美国印第安纳波利斯国际大学法学院、埃及开罗大学等高等院校授课,并在全球多个国家和地区应邀开设过法律或语言课程及参与国际学术研讨会。他理论基础扎实,同时拥有丰富的实践经验。
2. 课程名:东欧商法
Introduction: On March 21, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin held talks in Moscow and jointly signed and issued the "Joint Statement on the Key Directions for the Development Plan of China-Russia Economic Cooperation before 2023". The statement pointed out that China and Russia will carry out bilateral economic cooperation in eight key areas including trade and finance. Therefore, it is of great significance to cultivate legal talents in the commercial field for both countries. Against this background, the main content of this course includes regional economic organizations and general legal systems in Eastern European countries, general concepts of commercial law, various branches, and the commercial culture and etiquette of Eastern European countries. The course provides comprehensive instruction in Eastern European commercial law, combining theory and practice, and promoting students' understanding of Russian commercial law. The course mainly focuses on the commercial and trade fields of Eastern European countries, aiming to impart to students the basic knowledge of commercial law in Eastern European countries, especially Russia, and deepen their understanding and interest in this field.
授课教师:Alexander N. Domrin
个人简介:Alexander N. Domrin,俄罗斯国立高等经济大学(National Research University Higher School of Economics,简称HSE University)教授,俄罗斯立法与比较法研究所博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学法学博士(S.J.D.)。Alexander N. Domrin教授主要研究领域为比较法、国际商业贸易、信息法等,并且对国际商业贸易、俄罗斯外交政策和俄罗斯法律有着深入的研究。其在俄罗斯、英国、加拿大、印度、美国等多个国家发表了逾百篇著述,并长期致力于推动中俄两国的法学学术交流。
3. 课程名:法律与跨文化交流
Introduction: This course is a cross-cultural communication and law course, which aims to cultivate the knowledge, skills and cultural awareness of law students in communicating and interacting effectively with individuals and groups from different cultural backgrounds in the fields of law, diplomacy and international relations. This course will teach students the basic knowledge of cross-cultural communication, and lay the foundation for subsequent courses such as international business and negotiation, public relations and public diplomacy, etc. This course explores the dynamics of cross-cultural communication and its relevance in the legal context from the perspectives of cultural awareness, communication competence, critical thinking, cultural intelligence (CQ), ethical considerations, application in the legal contexts, practical skills, and global competencies. The course content is divided into eight units, covering Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Barriers to Cross-Cultural Communication, Cultural Intelligence, Legal and Cross-Cultural Communication, Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Cultural Sensitivity and Ethics, Practical Application and Final Projects. This course integrates the above aspects, aiming to prepare students to become people with cultural awareness, effective communication and ethical global citizenship, who can achieve excellent results in their academic, professional and legal pursuits, and make positive contributions to our interconnected world.
授课教师:Rami Khalil
个人简介:Rami Khalil教授是一位有着25年以上经验的大学教授、研究员、发明家和管理专家。他曾在国际植物遗传资源研究所担任区域媒体和公众意识经理,参与了联合国开发计划署、联合国环境署/全球环境基金在西亚和北非地区的多个发展项目。目前,他是四川外国语大学的教授,同时也是生物多样性国际组织的荣誉研究员。Rami Khalil教授的专业领域包括环境法、市场营销和管理、跨文化交流、经济学、反恐研究等。他拥有三项国际专利,曾担任叙利亚残疾人组织首席执行官,亦是中国科技部国际人才交流杂志的编委会成员。其课程被重庆市教育委员会评为一流的线下和线上混合教学课程。Rami Khalil教授在环境法方面有着深厚的造诣和丰富的实践。他参与了多个关于植物遗传资源保护和利用的国际项目,参与过阿曼苏丹国植物社会经济保护战略制定、联合国粮食及农业组织植物条约多边获取和惠益分享制度国家实施决策工具开发等。他还是耶鲁大学出版社耶鲁农业研究系列的阿拉伯文版编辑和翻译,在推广农业生物多样性管理方面做出了贡献。Rami Khalil教授还是多个专业协会的会员,如中国科协开放创新沙龙、美国大学理事会等。他还获得了多项国内外奖项,包括匈牙利发明家协会颁发的“世界最佳发明家”等。Rami Khalil教授一直致力于传播和推广中国文化。
4. 课程名:人工智能与劳动法
Introduction: This course in Employment and Labor Law, with a special focus on Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), offers a comprehensive exploration of the legal frameworks governing employer-employee relationships in the context of emerging technologies. This course is ideal for students interested in workplace law, human resources, legal studies, business management, and public policy who are interested in understanding how IT and AI are transforming the workplace, and the legal challenges such transformation creates. The course also will be useful for students interested in how emerging technology can be used in a general law practice.
授课教师:Richard Bales
个人简介:Richard Bales,美国北俄亥俄州大学法学院教授、前院长,主要研究领域是劳动法和非诉讼纠纷解决机制。Bales教授在Boston University Law Review、Maryland Law Review、Penn St. Law Review等杂志发表了80多篇学术文章,并撰写/合著了8部与劳动法和非诉讼纠纷解决机制相关的书籍。Bales教授担任美国律师协会劳动法分会Newsletter的编辑,并担任剑桥大学出版社和《劳动关系(Industrial Relations)》杂志的匿名评审人。在教学和科研工作之外,Bales教授还是一名兼职劳动仲裁员。他是美国国家仲裁员学会的成员,并在FMCS和AAA小组任职。
5. 课程名:比较养老金法
Introduction: "Comparative Pension Law" offers an in-depth exploration into the core tenets of international pension law, encompassing the legal scaffolding and organizational architectures of global pension funds, while addressing the contemporary challenges these entities navigate and their strategic responses. This course delves into the intricate details of pension systems across five pivotal nations: China, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, India, and France. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of each country's legal and organizational frameworks for pension systems, including the various models for pension fund operations, funding strategies, and management. Moreover, the course provides an analysis of sustainable mechanisms for the long-term operation of pension systems. A significant component of the curriculum is dedicated to examining the universal challenges confronting pension systems worldwide and the innovative solutions being adopted to address these issues.
授课教师:Hans van Meerten
个人简介:Hans van Meerten,荷兰乌得勒支大学教授,Gak研究所欧盟养老金法教席教授,具有荷兰律师资格。Hans van Meerten教授的研究领域是养老金法、欧盟法及金融法,并对欧盟立法与相关程序有深入了解。其研究专长包括养老金和金融机构跨境业务领域的欧盟法。担任公职期间,曾参与起草关于荷兰养老金机构的立法,并参加过多部欧盟条约和指令的谈判。Meerten教授经常在国际上就上述法律领域发表演讲和举办讲座。
6. 课程名:跨国专利诉讼实务
Introduction: Recently, more and more Chinese enterprises have the ability to enter the international market with competitive products, making other competitors in the market feel threatened and therefore eager to try to exclude Chinese enterprises. At the same time, patent trolls have noticed these Chinese companies which are lucrative overseas. Therefore, transnational patent litigation has become a sharp tool for them to deal with Chinese enterprises. In the face of these more and more fierce, endless challenges and pressures, what Chinese enterprises should choose to escape or to face it? Based on his years of practical experience and research, Mr. Chang will teach students with a pragmatic perspective, clear lines, concise charts, simple and easy to understand, in-depth way, to introduce what is worth paying attention to and referring to the specific instructions and suggestions of the transnational patent litigation.
个人简介:张宇枢(Yu-Shu Chang),台湾德鼎枢纽法律事务所主持律师。曾经协助国内多家企业、协会、联盟处理跨国知识产权纠纷,诊断分析企业内部管理机制并提出具体改进建议,设计规划企业内部标准作业流程,为企业高管进行培训等。他先后受邀于北京大学法学院讲授“专利法”、“知识产权法律实务”、“高新技术知识产权保护”、“知识产权法”等课程,于中国台湾大学电机所、电子所、生医电资所讲授“美国专利诉讼实务”课程,并曾于中国技术交易所担任特聘专家及策略长等职务。
7. 课程名:知识产权法律实践中的人工智能和大数据分析
课程简介:人工智能和大数据分析已经在语音识别、人脸识别、自动驾驶、医疗健康、金融科技、电商零售等多个领域得到应用。人工智能和大数据分析的法律应用节省了时间,降低了成本,提高了效率,提升了准确性和结果的可预测性等。法律稳定性和司法可靠性是人工智能和大数据分析将法律实践推向新时代面临的问题。本课程将从新兴技术如何在法律实践中发挥作用以及人工智能、大数据分析、机器学习和软件决策过程的原理导入。随后,课程参与者将在课堂上体验人工智能结合大数据工具,例如DoNotPay、Derwent Innovation、Darts IP、LexisNexis、Innography、Due Diligence、Quality Insights、CompuMark、Design Search、Patentcloud、SEP、Patent Vault等商业工具。“人工智能分析法律大数据库”将通过使用美国联邦巡回上诉法院的裁决和命令进行小组研究,以验证结果并评估所涉知识产权的价值与质量。本课程将传授当前国内外最新颖的知识产权重要软件如何改变法律与智慧财产权实务。另外,还将特别针对Lex Machina、Zuse Analytics、LexPredict、Investcee、Derwent Innovation、Saegis、Naming、TM GO 365、Serion、Watch、Innograph等软件的使用,以及律所管理运营、企业专利策略运营、授权许可、标准化与货币化等方面的操作实例,作专门说明及讨论研究。
Introduction: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis have been applied in many domains, such as voice recognition, facial recognition, autopilot, medical health, financial technology, e-commerce retails, etc. Legal application through artificial intelligence and Big Data Analysis create an outbreak for time-saving, cost-down, efficiency improving, accuracy-up, outcome predictability and many others. Legal stability and judicial reliability are the issues before Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis turn legal practice a new era. In this course, we start with how the emerging technologies work on legal practice and the principles of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, machine learning, and software decision making process. Thereafter, the commercial AI & Big data tools will be demonstrated in the classroom for participants to experience DoNotPay, Derwent Innovation, Darts IP, LexisNexis, Innography, Due Diligence, Quality Insights, CompuMark, Design Search, Patentcloud, SEP, Patent Vault, etc. Besides, “Zuse – an AI and big data analysis legal database” will be applied for group study by using rulings and orders from the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to validate the outcome and evaluate the value/quality of intellectual property involved. Nevertheless, Lex Machina, Zuse Analytics, LexPredict, Investcee, Derwent Innovation, Saegis, Naming, TM GO 365, Serion, Watch, Innograph, etc, will also be introduced.
个人简介:王美心(Mei-Hsin Wang),台湾云林科技大学副教授。于英国伦敦大学帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)获化学博士学位,2017年获Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award,于2013年获英国皇家化学会颁授会士(Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry UK)。曾任美国联邦上诉巡回法院(CAFC)、法国斯特拉斯堡国际知识产权研究中心(CEIPI)、俄罗斯科学院有机化学研究所(NDZ)、德国慕尼黑马普知识产权与竞争法研究所(MPI)等机构客座研究员。亦曾担任台湾将群专利商标事务所专利分析师、威睿科技公司营销经理及百略医学科技生活事业部门协理。2016-2018担任韩国国家知识产权主权基金Intellectual Discovery顾问。与美国联邦上诉巡回法院Rader前院长、日本知识产权高等法院Iimura前院长、德国联邦专利法院Voit法官、LESI两位前理事长Goddar教授与Nachtrab教授、美国乔治华盛顿大学Adelman教授、法国斯特拉斯堡大学国际知识产权研究中心主任Reboul教授等于2015年共同出版著作《法律、政治与知识产权运营》(Law Politics and Revenue Extraction on Intellectual Property);与三星、LG、Canon、小米、HTC等国际企业高层等于2019共同出版著作《法律、政治与知识产权货币化》(Law, Policy and Monetization on Intellectual Property),并于2021年再版。两本著作均由英国剑桥学者出版社出版。
8. 课程名:国际环境治理
Introduction: This course will introduce the institutional structure and operational mechanisms of main actors involved in international environmental governance (IEG). These include UN organizations, bodies established by multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), international environmental financing mechanisms and institutions, NGOs and major groups and stakeholders, and regional environmental governance bodies. Environment-related institutions and their activities under a few related sectors such as trade, investment and energy will be also introduced. This course will also review the evolution of international environmental governance and reforms undertaken in IEG following related discussions at various levels such as the United Nations General Assembly, the UNEP Governing Council and during meetings in preparation for related major UN conferences. This course will be concluded with a discussion on possible options for future reforms in IEG.
个人简介:蔡立杰(Lijie Cai),1990年毕业于北京外国语大学英语系,获文学硕士学位,2005年获美国塔夫茨大学弗莱切法律与外交学院国际关系学硕士学位。1990-1993年,在北京外国语大学任教,1994年至2001年9月在国家环境总局(现生态环境部)国际合作司工作,曾多次参加国际环境公约和政策制定谈判会议,参与国内履约政策和措施的制定与执行。2001年10月至今,在联合国环境署《生物多样性公约》秘书处工作,任国家战略和报告项目主管,参与编写《全球生物多样性展望》等重要文件。1999年以来,在国内外有关学术刊物发表了多篇关于环境法律和政策的中英文文章,并多次应邀为澳门新甫京娱乐娱城平台、北京外国语大学、中央民族大学等高校举办国际环境政治和治理讲座或授课。